Saturday, February 28, 2009


Bring Me Hope

Double click on the arrow in the middle of the picture and the video will play. Turn up your sound volume for best results.

"Bring Me Hope" is a very emotional video that shows us the love of a birth mother and how her circumstances force her to release her baby. Thousands of babies are being abandoned in China each day because of the one-child policy. When I see this video and all of the beautiful faces waiting for parents to love them, it breaks my heart. Sometimes I can't believe that God chose us for this adventure, to travel halfway around the world to bring two babies into our family, and to be a part of the miracle of adoption. Sadly, Alaina and Hudson were probably abandoned much like the baby in this video. Somewhere in China, there are two couples whose hearts are breaking because they had to release their babies even though they wanted to keep them. And somewhere in an orphanage or foster home in China, are thousands of babies waiting for their forever families. I pray Alaina and Hudson's bio parents know in their hearts that their babies are loved.
The "Bring Me Hope" organization has such a love for orphans in China. If you would like to visit their site, you can get a copy of this video in a 3 minute, 5 minute or 7 minute version. You can also learn more about their ministry to the children left behind. Visit them at:

Go see Alaina's special slide show to music: Our First Year
Go see a special slide show to music featuring our travel group: For the Children Left Behind
Another great video from Southeast Christian Church in Kentucky: Empty Beds: The Hidden Treasure of Adoption

Merry Christmas by Third Day

Third Day sings Merry Christmas as he is waiting on his daughter from China. Another family is also waiting on their daughter from China and made a slide show to the song. We love this song. We waited two Christmas before bringing our baby boy home. This will be his special song since his birthday is on December 25, 2005, our first Christmas without him. Soon you can listen to the song with Hudson's pictures and story. 2007, we are a family of 7. Double click below on the video.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him and who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28